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But we who are in Christ must walk in Faith and not in fear! For fear is disobedience and quarrel to the Grace that is in Christ Jesus. Know that you, the Body of Christ are the temple of God and where fear exists neither can Faith exist also. For Faith is onto the light and Glory of God as fear is onto the darkness and death of hell itself. No one has ever attained Salvation with the fear of death but only with the Faith in God and Christ Jesus.

Letters to the Faithful


Letters to the Faithful.

Letter to the Faithful.
Sept. 11, 2017.

Know that your flesh has been put down in the Faith of Christ’s Blood and that no one can ever take this from you. Hold onto all that has made you Righteous! This is not vain imagination but by His propitiation did He strike down the law that by the gloom of entanglement burdened the image of God with guilt and that the flesh could never fulfill its hunger and lust. Christ has raised us all onto His promise of Glory, not as a pale silhouette of a beacon's lighthouse of protection but is the everlasting morning star of illumination. For what do you see when the eye is in darkness? So open the eye and flood yourself with His illumination of Glory and not subject yourself to the fear that is hidden in the darkness.

Having been in the light do we now inflict bruises on our person as one searching in darkness, with outstretched hands groping for substance? No, I tell you! Do not grasp for Christ but take Him in hand and never abandon His guide with the Word and the Spirit sent for our path onto everlasting Glory of His Kingdom. Be not as those entrenched in the sadistic torture of continual crucifixion, denying His resurrection which is where He now sits in triumph with His feet over the gatekeeper of all fear and death. Free yourself of all things of fear and be Faithful in all that's been given to us to walk in Victory. For as Christ, are we made overcomers by the Faith of the Powers, Principalities, and Thrones.

Let the Spirit of Christ be your charge and stand in the Heavenly places knowing many face in unity all that challenges the very foundations of God’s Throne and your immaculate Faith in He who by Spiritual obedience held in arms the immutable wisdom of the Glorious One. For Faith is Spiritual and fear flesh and no carnal man will escape this world’s demise unless he takes up his cross in the Faith of Salvation. Therefore be in Faith and not in fear!


The Word promises us that nothing can ever and will separate us from the love of God. But faithlessness will! This is because faithlessness is ungodly and agape love is Godly. For we are called to believe and accept that He will not forsake any who put first the love of God. So chose Faith in the face of fear and give not that shadowed evil one any ground for deception. For Christ, the Word is Faith itself manifested for all who long for the light and freedom of Salvation and He is the foundation of our Faith not of this world but of the Heavenlies forever framed in His Glory; our Lord Jesus!