God already knows some of us can't hold a note, and for many of us, we do our best singing in the shower. That's why it is more important to develop praise from our hearts, such as using a melody, an attitude of gratitude, thankfulness, and through joyous expressions. Nowhere in the Bible does it say praising Him requires perfection of lyrics or singing in tune. It does however say, praise Him frequently, loudly, on instruments, and joyfully, even giving the amount of time per day, - Ps. 119:164. We must have the sacrifice of praise abiding in us, rendering satan's attacks futile, and not revert to old testament laws of trying to trade blood, etc. for God's deliverance; Jesus is the blood sacrifice; our praises are what we bring to the altar of Grace - Heb. 13:15, Ps. 49:14-15 . When we look at the Word; God's people in praising to overcome their enemy are simple, to the point and repetitive, - 2 Chron 20:21-22. Whether in a group or as an individual, the power of praise lies in the intent, not in its context or its elaborations. Praise builds confidence, faith in our God, releasing His mighty power to work on our behalf. Consider this when praising God next time:

Flush it Out! - The Joy of the Lord is my strength.!


The Empowered Christian Faith

February 7, 2016.

Praise him out of your life!

There is one thing you can be sure of, and that is, the devil will attack you once you give your life to God. Yes, bad things happen to non-believers also, but that's part of his strategy; keeping the lost, distracted with problems, rather than focusing on the Word and its Salvation message. Jesus stated that there will be trials and tribulations in the world - John 16:33, this is because the prince of this world still has a right to freely roam - Job 1:7. Now the obvious question is, why didn't Jesus get rid of satan, after the resurrection, by demonstrating His divinity and power - Col. 2:15 "making a public spectacle of them", and making everything perfect. The answer lies in Genesis, with the creation of the world, its creatures and man. God does not take detours from His plans. He ordained man to have dominion of the earth. This plan continues with us because of the redemptive work of Jesus. Which is to kick satan's butt.

Just like all the weapons available, praise requires practice to make it efficient and effective. Shouting at the top of our lungs, making noise, has no use if it's not from the heart, and is sung without meaning. Also, praising with a depressed heart and weeping does not put us in the right frame of mind and body. It has been said, prayer engages our angels, but praise gets the attention of God; bringing Him into our presence. Angels are certainly appreciated, but Godly attention brings with it, more enforcement and power. Praise must never be used for selfish gains, but reserved for esteeming our God, His very being and power. Praise and Worship can go together, as both are forms of adoration, with the latter taking us on a deeper spiritual level. But whereas worship is more intimate, praise crosses more boundaries, being an open as well as personal exaltation of God.

Consider this, scientists are continually confirming the Bible facts, in leaps and bounds, as technology advances; whether it has to do with the universe, biblical cities, peoples and miracles. The universe is boundless, and is expanding, and elements found on earth exist in space. Yet, they can't locate other planets that would support life as we know it. Sure, we can say, it's just a matter of time before a suitable planet will be found, but will we be able to get to it; given travel in space is measured in light years and not by our 24 hour day cycle. The Bible is way ahead of these scientists; demonstrating that time travel is possible, Acts 8:39 "the Lord caught Philip away";  placing him in another city miles from his original location.

When we make the decision to praise regardless of our dire circumstances and that of our family, we demonstrate fortitude in the face of adversity rendering fear ineffective, which brings God and His angels to bear for us - 2 Kings 6:7. It has been said, "for every adversity we face, there is a greater recompense we will receive". All the more reason to praise God, believing and knowing, He is a just God, - Joel 2:25-26.

Praising is used to get us in the place where God can move in our spirits; to strengthen our resolve and to direct us once we put away all the stress the enemy tries to put on us. It makes us physically well, and can energize us to face challenges, oppression, and depression. By acting on the promptings of praising Him, we release endorphins that elevate and heal the body, mind, and spirit. This renews our focus on God, and allows the Holy Spirit, and the Word to work for us. But probably, the strongest reason for praise, is to exercise and strengthen our bond of faith in our God, who can deliver us, regardless of overwhelming odds - Josh. 6, "God uses praises to destroy and defeat Jericho".

Just imagine, when the people shout and horns were blown, angels pushed down the wall of Jericho. God can be dramatic and overwhelming, when showing Himself strong for His people. This is why the Bible and Jesus remind us to have childlike dependence on God - Matt. 18:2-4. Ever notice immediately after a child has distress, they make a complete turn about; expressing full joy as if nothing happened previously. They have released all concerns and so must we to God - Ps. 55:22.

The Bible shows us how much praise defeats our enemies; the more joyful noise we make worshipping our God, the more the enemy has to flee, as God shows up to inhabit our praises -Ps. 22:3. It is very ironic that satan, once Heaven's music minister, finds it distasteful to be in the presence of Heavenly praise. This may be because it reminds him of all he lost, like when you parade your enemy's spoils in front of them; teasing them, until they become frustrated, and run away fuming. - Is. 14:11.

To put things in perspective as to why praising is a must. Consider the earth before, as Adam knew it.  The earth was a void and formless place - Gen. 1:2; then we are told that Lucifer was cast down from Heaven to the earth like lightning - Luke 10:18. So when Adam arrived on the scene, there was good and evil on the earth. To be more definite, good was on the earth, and evil was in the atmosphere. (satan is known as the prince of the atmosphere) - Eph. 2:2. This would be like having a family picnic with crows circling above, looking for a quick meal to pick at, and harassing the family. He (satan) had a front row seat to God's creativity and His greatest creation; man. All this contributes to satan's hatred of God and man. Now, of course, neither satan or Adam could foresee what God already knew, that Jesus would come; setting the example, and reestablish the dominion that Adam failed to do; to triumph over satan and his influence on the earth. The word dominion means to control, direct, and have jurisdiction and supremacy over your domain. Well, think about it; besides plants and animals, what would challenge Adam and Eve's authority, and their natural sensibilities for peace, prosperity, and good will. The only challenge to them would come from a serpent; a fallen angel who knew, and saw what dominion and authority could do and control; being close to God when he (satan) was in Heaven as a music minister.

The fight continues and is escalating as Jesus waits for His enemies to be put under His feet - Heb 10:13. We are to continue, what was started, by using praise as one of the most effective weapon in driving out satan from today's Garden of Eden, which is  the individual, being the temple, where God desires to dwell, and just like in the Garden, to also fellowship - 1 Corth 3:16. When we become like God intended in the Garden of Eden, then we can also be at rest as He is - Heb. 4:10. If Adam and Eve did what God told them, satan would have been cast out, having no ability on the earth. When we are purposeful in our ignorance concerning the things of God, our stewardship becomes ineffective and opens us up to satan. This applies especially today as satan knows his time is short and Jesus may return any day now. No time in history has there been so many evidences of satan's offensives and that prophesies are being fulfilled. Remember, satan comes to steal, kill and destroy; especially God's precious creation, mankind. Praise holds him back.